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"Excellent in Achievement, Righteousness in Behavior, Mastering ICT, and Healthy Education Environment"



School Name:      

                     Jambi 5 Public                                            High School


          Jl.Arief Rahman, Hakim No.50      Simpang IV Sipin Village, Telanaipura District, Jambi City, Jambi Province


Postal Code : 36124





To reach the VISION, Jambi City Public High School 5 develops Physics as follows:

1. Realizing the graduated faith and willingness to face the Almighty God and possess strong character,

2. Realizing education with smart graduates, skilled as well as having competitive talent in the era of globalization,

3. Conduct entrepreneurship education to realize graduates who are able to create their own fields of work,

4. Improve culture of the culture of reading, writing and scientific research as well as innovative in supporting development of science and technology.

5. Encourage the realization of healthy school children and insight into the support of the learning process.









The Education Unit Level Curriculum, hereinafter abbreviated as KTSP, is an operational curriculum compiled by and implemented in each education unit. Along with the development of education in Indonesia with the birth of Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 61 of 2014 and Number 161 of 2014 and Minister of Religion Decree Number 207 of 2014, it implies that madrassas must prepare themselves to implement the 2006 curriculum and 2013 curriculum, then a guidelines for madrasas in the framework of preparing and developing KTSP documents on each school year.


The arrangement of the education curriculum that will be applied is one of the targets that must be completed in accordance with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) in the education sector. Changes in the curriculum are carried out to answer the challenges of the changing times so that students are able to compete in the future. Another reason for changing curriculum is that the previous curriculum was considered burdensome to students. Too much learning material that must be learned by students, so that it makes the students burdened. Changed educational curriculum problems see conditions that have existed for several years. KTSP, which provides flexibility for teachers to make curriculum independently for each school, turns out not to run smoothly. Because not all teachers have and are equipped with professionalism to make the curriculum. What happens is that the teacher can only adopt the existing curriculum. For this reason, the new curriculum was created and designed by the government, especially for the very core part.


Law Number 20 Year 2003 concerning National Education System, Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 13 Year 2015 concerning Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 concerning National Education Standards mandates that Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) for Primary and Secondary Education be prepared by education unit by referring to the Content Standards (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL) and guided by guidelines compiled by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) and the Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Java Province, while the 2013 curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability live as individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to contribute to the life of the world, nation, state and world civilization.


Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Huda Jampangkulon Sukabumi Regency as a secondary education unit within the Ministry of Religion needs to develop and develop the Curriculum of Al Huda Jampangkulon Madrasah which refers to the National Education Standards (standard content, process standards, graduate competency standards, educator standards and education staff, standard facilities and infrastructure, management standards, funding standards, and educational assessment standards). Preparation and Development of the Curriculum for the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Huda Jampangkulon is intended to guarantee the achievement of the national education goals and objectives of the Al Huda Jampangkulon Islamic Primary School.


Curriculum Development for the Al Huda Jampangkulon Madrasah Tsanawiyah involves all members of the madrasa (Head, Teacher and Staff) and other stakeholders (Foundations, Madrasah Committees / Parents of Students and Counselors). Through the Curriculum of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Huda Jampangkulon, it is hoped that the implementation of educational programs in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Huda Jampangkulon in accordance with the potential of the madrasah region, the characteristics and needs of students in realizing faithful and devoted students to the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and a democratic and responsible citizen, in accordance with national education goals.


Madrasas are the center of cultural development. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Huda Jampangkulon develops the cultural values ​​and character of the nation as a unity of educational activities that occur in the madrasa. The values ​​in question are religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the country, respect for achievement, communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, social and environmental care , and responsibility. Values ​​cover and are integrated in all educational activities as a madrasa culture.




1. Philosophical foundation


The philosophical foundation in curriculum development determines the quality of students who will achieve the curriculum, the source and content of the curriculum, the learning process, the position of students, the assessment of learning outcomes, the relationship of students with the community and the surrounding natural environment.

2013 Curriculum Subjects of Islamic Education and Arabic Language in Madrasah are developed with a philosophical foundation that provides the basis for the development of all potential students to become quality Indonesian human beings listed in the national education goals.

Basically there is no single educational philosophy that can be used specifically for curriculum development that can produce quality human beings. Based on this, the 2013 Curriculum was developed using the following philosophy:


a. Madrasah education (MI, MTs and MA) in West Java has the roots of religious culture and the distinctiveness of West Javanese people in determining the future of the nation. Likewise the curriculum developed at the madrasa needs to provide broad opportunities for students to become heirs of national culture and coupled with mastery of competencies needed for life in the present and future. Therefore the Madrasah curriculum must be a civilizing framework of national and regional diversity as a distinctive feature of madrasa education;


b. The curriculum as a component of education that can inherit culture through mastery of various scientific disciplines in the form of subjects. KTSP preparation needs to provide planning signs and educational arrangements in madrasas in mastering scientific disciplines, both general and religious sciences integratively;


c. The curriculum is prepared and developed for education that prepares future generations who are able to solve social problems in society, and to build a better life for the community. KTSP in madrasas need to prepare madrasa education planning and arrangements in preparing future generations who contribute to improving the situation and conditions of social and cultural life.


d. Education is rooted in national culture to build the life of the nation today and in the future. This view makes the 2013 Curriculum developed based on a diverse Indonesian culture, directed to build a life of the present, and to build a foundation for a better nation's life in the future. Preparing students for future life has always been a concern of the curriculum, this implies that the curriculum is a design of education to prepare the lives of the young generation of the nation. Thus, the task of preparing the nation's young generation is the main task of a curriculum. To prepare for the present and future lives of students, 2013 Curriculum develops learning experiences that provide broad opportunities for students to master the competencies needed for life in the present and future, and at the same time continue to develop their abilities as heirs of national culture and people who care about the problems of society and the nation today.


K13 Curriculum is the revised curriculum in 2013 used in SMA 5. This curriculum is more focused on the potentials of the students to become quality Indonesian and able to compete for the future. This curriculum is rooted in national culture to build the life of the nation today and in the future. This is based on the diverse indonesian culture, directed to build a life of the present and to build a foundation for a better nation's life in the future.

T E A C H I N G   S Y S T E M

SMA 5 use k-13 Curiculum where they have 6 years in elementary, 3 years in junior high school and 3 years also in senior high school. Not lke in the Philippines, we have 6 years in elementary, 4 years in junior high school and last 2 years for the senior high school. 


 Teaching system in SMA 5 is very systematic especially when it comes on Physical Education. They have 2 hours for the 1st meeting so students will do first the activity and 1 hour for the 2nd meeting where the teacher will discuss the activity they have done during the 1st meeting.​


Teaching is the process of imparting knowledge or instructing someone to do something. However, the process of teaching may not only involve knowledge, it may also include different forms such values, manners, skills, behaviors, traditions, and stories. 


Experience is the best teacher that's why SMA 5 is focusing on experiencing different kind of activities so students learn more.


They use different kind of materials like books and other learning resources but for the physical education they used to have some sports equipment so students will engage in a process of trying to solve something by their own like learning different kind of skills and etc.

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